is a website owned, developed and maintained by Satish Kumar Mandava, Gudivada.
MTL provides telugu movies songs lyrics in telugu script english with full set of features like
effective search (multiple criteria), combinational person searches, recent releases, random movie/song,
alphabetical ordering, interactive paging, year wise movie index..
MTL provides a very new fresh and enjoyable experience of reading song lyrics while listening the same.
The main orientation of MTL is to provide latest telugu movies songs lyrics and past movie songs lyrics as well.
MTL's library will be frequently updated. MTL is fully organized for easier navigation.
Well, If you have any suggestions, You are always welcome.
Please use contact to send a message to MTL.
MTL will strive to it's best possible extent to deliver quality telugu movie songs lyrics in telugu script and english
for a great experience to the telugu music devotee.