→ MyTeluguLyrics.com (hereafter MTL) Web site has taken utmost care to provide Telugu movie songs lyrics in Telugu and English, and strives for perfection

→ However, there may be some minor corrections

→ If you found any such corrections, Please use feedback link/comments to send suggestions to MTL

→ Date might be tentative in some scenarios where audio and movie dates are similar

→ Song data is based mostly on the album cover(either disk or casette..)

→ A person may have many roles within (casting, music director, director, producer, singer, lyrist) as per MTL DB

→ Singer name will be mentioned na (not applicable) if the song is sung by chorus

→ song duration is tend to vary with slight change

→ song players are embedded from various websites

→ Lyrics: All the lyrics content published are actually written and own by the actual lyric writers (names mentioned). These lyrics are mentioned on this site for reference purpose

→ Google translation service is being used in MTL. If you found any offending words, Please report to MTL

→ MTL is not responsible in any means of communicating/displaying the information in any manner on this website if in any means of loss.

VishwaLaxmi BhupalAshwinAnudeep DevarakondaMS SubbalakshmiSrikanth AddalaMohit ChaddaKishore Kumar PardasaniManisha EerabathiniPiyush KapoorChitra KSSriwassMamta SharmaSri VedavyasaSV Ranga RaoNithya MenenJK BharaviChiranjeeviSaindhaviThomas Reddy AduriK Vijaya BhaskarSunil LullaRadhika ApteSunil
Music Directors Singers Lyrists
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built with ❤ mandava satish kumar